S – Sebastian E – Engineer
E: Flashing blue is to Stroll.
E: And solid now.
E: Solid now, solid blue.
E: And Sainz next, Sainz 3.1 in front.
E: Hamilton same laptime, so we are not losing much, nice job.
E: And solid blues
E: Hamilton 47.3, same laptime 5.2, Ericsson next, Ericsson 9 seconds in front, 9 seconds.
E: And brake migration minus three clicks, for better balance.
E: Can pick up a bit more temperature in the tyres, pushing a bit more. No need to save that much, just to increase the temps.
E: Engine 5, Engine 5
E: When you can, not urgent, Driver Default Charlie fifty, five-zero, on, Driver Default Charlie five, zero on.
E: Hamilton laptime in traffic 47.6, 6.6 behind.
E: And when you can, we need to go back with that driver default because you did Charlie fifty five, five-five, so Charlie five-five off, Charlie five-five off, when you can, not urgent.
S: Do we need another Driver Default, or that’s it?
E: I’ll let you know.
E: No, we stay like this, it’s fine to stay like this.
E: Fifth flashing blue for Ericsson
E: And solid now, solid.
E: Hamilton 7.7 behind, 7.7.
E: And three laps to go, three laps to go.
E: Hamilton laptime 48.0, in free air, 48.0.
E: Hamilton 48.6, 9.7 behind.
E: And last lap, last lap.
E: A bit warm with brakes, cool the brakes if you can.
E: Hamilton 11 behind. S: Copy.
E: And P1 Sebastian, P1, fair and square, bravissimo. E: And mode low.
S: Grande, grazie ragazzi, bella gara.
E: Go in the pitlane, wrong direction.
S: Red light, spells danger, tata-ta-tara-ta-tara, grazie, grazie, grazie, grazie. Thank you, good efforts all weekend, getting the package ready, well done motoristi. Grazie!
Arrivabene: Grazie Sebastian, bellissima gara. Martello.
S: Grande, grande ragazzi!
E: And P0, in mind.