Both women have had a breast cancer diagnosis and the team wants to share their stories as a mark of strength, hope and unity for all those affected by breast cancer. Their names will appear on the car’s headrest, while the Breast Cancer Care Pink Ribbon will be displayed prominently on the nose of the VJM10.
Sahara Force India’s team clothing will also turn pink this weekend with the introduction of special edition team shirts on Sunday. These shirts will be worn by Sergio Perez, Esteban Ocon, and all members of the trackside team. It’s just one of the many ways the team hopes to raise awareness and show its support for the millions of people currently living with breast cancer around the world.
The team also wishes to recognise the generosity shown by its partners supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This weekend, BWT, the brand which introduced pink to the Formula One starting grid, will make a significant donation of $150,000 to Breast Cancer charities, pledging its support to all those affected by breast cancer. A presentation will take place in Austin on Saturday afternoon.
Alongside the awareness campaign, Sahara Force India and Breast Cancer Care, in partnership with Memento Exclusives, have launched an online silent auction to raise valuable funds for the charity. The auction is active now until October 25th and features unique items designed to inspire any Formula One fan. To participate in the silent auction CLICK HERE.
In Sahara Force India’s latest video, team members came together to help share the key messages for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Source: https://www.forceindiaf1.com