The three kart clubs in Canada’s Capital Region
the NationalCapital Kart Club (NCKC),
the Circuit Quyon Karting Club (LCQKC),
the Lombardy Karting Association (LKA)
have worked together to deliver an exciting 4-stroke racing program for all racers in 2016. The result of this collaboration is a coordinated schedule, enabling members of the three regional clubs to participate in many competitive local events in 2016. This year’s racing program also provides opportunities for Quebec, Ontario, and Northern USA racers to join in on the fun for what promises to be the biggest 4-stroke racing season in the region to date.
For 2016, the Capital Cup Series (CCS) is a new and significant addition to the region’s racing program. This three-race championship will provide competitive 4-stroke racing involving all three local tracks and clubs. Participants in this series will compete for a prize package which includes, amongst other items, two CHUMPCAR racing opportunities at Calabogie Motorsports Park in 2017, sponsored by SPDi Spark, with an estimated value of $2,000 each. Mark your calendars for the CCS events!
Event Date Track
#1 May 28-29 Lombardy
#2 July 16-17 Le Circuit Quyon
#3 Aug 6-7 Karter’s Korner
Several great events are planned this year in Canada’s Capital Region! For additional information, please visit the following websites and pages:
National Capital Kart Club (NCKC)
Le Circuit Quyon Karting Club (LCQKC)
We look forward to safe, fun, and exciting racing in 2016 – see you at the track!
Les trois clubs de karting de la Région de la Capitale du Canada
the NationalCapital Kart Club (NCKC),
the Circuit Quyon Karting Club (LCQKC),
the Lombardy Karting Association (LKA)
ont collaboré pour offrir un programme invitant pour tous les pilotes de moteur 4-temps en 2016. Le résultat de cette collaboration est un calendrier coordonné qui permettra aux membres des trois clubs de prendre part à plusieurs séries compétitives locales. Le programme s’adresse également aux pilotes 4-temps du Québec, de l’Ontario et du nord des États-Unis qui pourront se joindre à l’action, qui s’annonce être la meilleure saison de course à ce jour dans la région!
En 2016, une nouvelle série s’ajoutera au programme de la région : la Coupe de la Capitale. Ce championnat de trois courses se déroulera sur les trois pistes de la région et impliquera les trois clubs locaux. Les prix pour les gagnants de ce championnat incluront, entre autre, deux occasions de prendre part à une course de la série CHUMPCAR au circuit Calabogie en 2017 – une valeur chacun (gracieuseté de SPDi Spark).
Notez donc ces dates dans votre calendrier!
#1 May 28-29 Lombardy
#2 July 16-17 Le Circuit Quyon
#3 Aug 6-7 Karter’s Korner
Plusieurs événements fantastiques sont prévus cette année dans la Région de la Capitale du Canada. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter les sites web des clubs et circuits aux liens ci-dessous :
National Capital Kart Club (NCKC)
Le Circuit Quyon Karting Club (LCQKC)
Au plaisir de vous voir sur la piste avec nous cette année – pour une saison sécuritaire et enlevante!
Ottawa is ready to host the Second Edition of CAPITAL KARTING GRAND PRIX (CKGP) & MAYOR’S CUP OF WISHES Charity Challenge on AUGUST 6-7, 2016!
PODIUM Special Events Management , joined by the NATIONAL CAPITAL KART CLUB (NCKC – the Host Club), is happy to announce that preparations are in full swing and running on all pistons for the Capital Karting Grand Prix (CKGP) & MAYOR’S CUP OF WISHES Charity Challenge on August 6-7, 2016 at Karters Korner.
Special efforts have been made to coordinate with all of the exciting kart racing schedules so that as many Kart racers from Ontario, Québec and the USA can attend and compete for the cash and prizes in four Briggs classes (novice, junior, senior and masters) and one 4 stroke GT class (a mix of Honda and Briggs!!).
Other promotional components of this Motorsports Festival weekend include an exotic and muscle cars show, a FAMILY FUN ZONE with face painting, balloons, inflatables for the kids and so much more! COME HAVE SOME FUN!!
The Charity Challenge race for fun will again involve local teams of enthusiasts raising as much vital dollars for our Charity Partners: Children’s Wish Foundation, CYSTIC Fibrosis Canada, ROGER’S HOUSE, SOLDIER ON & the OTTAWA SENATORS FOUNDATION.
Our simple objectives have always been to:
1. Showcase & promote the exciting sport of KART RACING,
2. Showcase & promote the National Capital Region as a motorsports hub
3. Bring together as many Kart Racers as possible to RACE TOGETHER IN OTTAWA
4. Give back to our community by using Kart Racing as a venue
In 2016, we will continue to build on the solid foundations raised in 2015.
See you at KARTERS KORNER in OTTAWA on AUGUST 6-7, 2016!!
Full details will be updated and available at the event web site (http://capitalkarting.com/index.php/en/ ) including rules, the latest schedule, prize description and online race registration.
We look forward to seeing you at Karter’s Korner on August 6-7, 2016 and looking forward to RACING TOGETHER in OTTAWA… the CAPITAL OF KARTING!!
” Follow us: @OttMayorCup
More news to follow…. THANK YOU!