AKRA Sprint Cup Carolina Motorsports Park Pre-Registration Now Open

AKRA is thrilled to announce pre-registration is now open for the inaugural American Sprint Cup Series event – round one of the “Southern Tour” – set for March 18-20 at Carolina Motorsports Park in Kershaw, S.C.
We are pleased to offer our customers two forms of pre-registration – the traditional mail-in entry form and online at AKRAsprint.com. Online and mail-in fees are the same.
AKRA is instituting the “tiered entry-fee” system for all Southern Tour events. Class fees are $80 per class through Sunday, February 21. Class fees will be $90 per class February 22 until March 11. At-track fee will be $100 per class.
Practice fees are $55 per driver through February 21, $65 per driver February 22 till March 11, and $75 per driver at-track fee. You must be entered in a class in order to practice.
Competitors will have the option of racing Saturday and/or Sunday. You are not required to enter for the entire weekend.
You may pre-purchase pit passes or purchase passes at the track. Price will be the same pre-pay or at-track. A four-day pass will allow you to enter the track Thursday to park. Four-day pass is $35; three-day pass $30; two-day pass $25 and one-day is $15. These prices are for Sprint and Road Race competitors. Pre-paying for wristbands will save you time at the track as we will already have your payment and your wristbands marked and ready for you at the registration window.
Pit spot is $50 per 12×40′ space. Side-pitting is considered two spots. Plenty of free parking is available. At AKRAsprint.com/shop we’ve included an image of the pit area that will show where paid and free parking is located.
Reserved number is $25 per class for the season. This reservation will be good for Southern and Northern Tour events.
Transponder rental is $25 for the weekend.
AKRA Membership is $45/year for adult and $15/year for associate. We ask that you join AKRA for the year. You will receive an AKRA rulebook and more. You may purchase memberships online or mail-in form to AKRA. If you purchase online you will need to sign waiver forms when you arrive at track. We will have a list of who purchases memberships online and have you sign the forms when you arrive at CMP.
Online Registration Instructions
Online pre-registration will be offered for AKRA Sprint Cup events throughout the 2016 season. When you go to AKRAsprint.com/shop, a number of products will appear, including classes (separated by age group), Friday practice, Pit Space, Reserved Number, Transponder Rental, AKRA Membership and Pit Passes. Each product will clearly state the information you need to provide.
You will be able to build your pre-entry package by navigating through the Shop page and various products and adding products to your “Cart.” Once you’ve finished building your online entry and adding any other products you need, such as transponder rental, membership or number reservation, proceed to Checkout.
At the Checkout page, you will be asked to create your account, including your name, phone, email and address. You are not required to create an account, but it will save you time when you pre-enter for future events. Secure payments will be made via PayPal, and you do not need a PayPal account in order to make a payment.
Mail-In Form Instructions
Mail-in forms include all fees and options stated above. Please complete forms and mail with check to AKRA c/o Keith Shampine; 17715 Delmas Dr.; Cornelius, NC 28031.
Make check payable to “AKRA”.
Direct all online and mail-in pre-registration questions to Keith Shampine, call or text at 704-662-5350 or email keithshampine@gmail.com.
We’re extremely excited for this first event and working very hard to make it as successful as possible to give the series positive momentum heading to Georgia’s Herrin Compound April 29-May 1.
AKRA officials are listening and we want to hear from you! If you’d like to share your thoughts on the new American Sprint Cup Series, contact AKRA’s Keith Shampine at 704-662-5350 / keithshampine@gmail.com or Bill McCutcheon at704-764-8138 / billmcfast@aol.com.
Direct AKRA Road Race Series questions and comments to Bill McCutcheon or Van Gilder at 229-848-0483 / vanelite@live.com.