OSHAWA, ON (August 12, 2018)- During its 2018 schedule, the Ontario Modifieds Racing Series powered by Torque Builders Inc. has been focused on building its brand and introducing people to the tour and its exciting events. With just a few shows remaining on the schedule, officials are looking forward to seeing how the late season events play out.
“It has been a great year and we’ve had a chance to make some new friends and fans during this year’s tour,” said Rick Warnes, who along with Randy Hollingsworth and Bill Pickford make up the OMRS group of officials. “Our car counts have been strong, with a dozen or more teams scoring points in at least one main event and only a single rainout on the calendar.”
Warnes pointed to the arrival of former Peterborough Speedway Thunder Caruper Stock track champion Anthony DiBello as one of the strengths this year; along with Bob Franks and Craig Scott joining the tour and the return of former series regular Josh Gruntz. In addition to the annual events at Peterborough and Flamborough Speedways, the Ontario Modifieds Racing Series also added Sauble Speedway to this year’s agenda and has a first-ever trip to Delaware Speedway planned for Saturday, August 18th.
“Getting to some different areas is a great thing for all involved; the drivers, sponsors and especially the series,” said Rick Warnes. “There’s no telling where the next group of new drivers might be coming from, so we need to put out the welcome mat and be willing to open the door to as many people as possible.”
Ontario Modifieds Racing Series point standings: #16 Anthony DiBello 396
#77 Brad Stevenson 381
#63 John Baker Jr. 375
#77c Chad Strawn 373
#90 Rick Warnes 356
#95 Rob Warnes 353
#90m Craig Stevenson 334
#62w Willow Barberstock 330
#62 Randy Hollingsworth 325
#72 Bob Franks 166
#69 Craig Scott 93
#31 Josh Gruntz 55
To learn more about the 2018 Ontario Modifieds Racing Series powered by Torque Builders Inc. schedule, visit the group’s social media platform, www.facebook.comMRS or look for the newly redesigned web-site www.ontariomodifiedsracing.com, coming soon.
For over a decade, Torque Builders Inc. has worked with partners and clients in the construction industry, offering new, general construction services, renovations and retrofits in the industrial, commercial and institutional sector. See www.torquebuilders.com to find out more. The 2018 OMRS tour is also supported by Complete Mechanical, Borque Transmission, Gen-3 Electrical, Sterling Tire and Clarke Motorsports Communications.
Prepared by: Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.