“Drivers can pre-register for the event online at a discounted rate until April 12th”
After an unprecedented turnout and successful race weekendat Round 1 in Palm Beach, ROK Cup Promotions is looking to build off this momentum heading into Round 2 of the ROK Cup Florida Championship, which takes placeApril 15th-17th at the Ocala Gran Prix track. Online pre-registration is now open for Round 2, allowing drivers to save time and money by registering before the event.
Online pre-registration for Round 2 will be available at the discounted rate until April 12th. After April 12th, registration prices will increase by $100 for both online and onsite registration. Registration includes entry, driver and mechanic passes for the race weekend, race tires, transponder rental, and an official driver t-shirt for Round 2. ROK Cup will again be raffling off 8 prizes worth over $2000 during the podium presentations, so be sure to stick around after Sunday’s final event with your credentials to be eligible for these amazing prizes.
ROK Cup has arranged special rates at certain hotels in the Ocala area, the information can be found online here. Be sure to book your hotels soon as availability is limited and the rates will only be available for a limited amount of time. Photo packages are available for pre-order, for more information, pricing, or to order a digital or print package for the event,
In the coming weeks, ROK Cup will be publishing rule book addenda, special event regulations, and the tentative timetable for the event, which can be found online under Round 2 of the Florida Championship. For pit space and RV parking, please contact Ocala Gran Prix directly at 352-291-0600.
To stay up-to-date with the ROK Cup USA series, visit and follow @rokcupusa on social media.