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CKR- Autumn Trophy 1st race

CKR- Autumn Trophy 1st race

We missed the victory for ¼ tooth!

Last weekend we have been in Lonato with three drivers to defend CKR colors: Alessandro Pelizzari, Tobias Borel and Matthieu Maeder.

Despite everything was going for the best for Alessandro Pelizzari, starting the final in first place, immediately leading the race, a wrong gear ratio forced him to finish in fifth position. We are sure that without this mishap he could have reached the podium.
Our Swiss drivers Borel and Maeder improved their performances. Borel was found involved in a swashbuckling round that inaugurated his new helmet… luckily everything it was just a BIG scare and a few scratches. Best wishes for Tobia’s healing!

Thank you to Italkart for the nice atmosphere created under the tent, to Bruno Daldosso for dedicating us all his passion, Victor Busato that always gives his best, to our drivers and thanks to all of you!




David Martin-Janiak Motorsports has always been a passion for me, I've raced in Karting and now I have my own Motorsports news website, so i can help other racers convey their passion to the world!

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