Rally Canada 2020 Calendar!

The 2020 Race calendar for the CRC has just been annouced!
31st of Jan and 1st ofFeb : Rallye Perce-Neige, Maniwaki, Québec
22 to 24th of Mai : Rocky Mountain Rally, Invermere, Colombie-Britannique
26 to 28th of June : Rallye Baie-des-Chaleurs, New Richmond, Québec
10 to 12th of September : Rallye Défi, Montpellier, Québec
1st to 3rd of October : Pacific Forest Rally, Merritt, Colombie-Britannique
22 to 24nd of October : Rallye de Charlevoix, La Malbaie, Québec
20 et 21nd of November : Rally of the Tall Pines, Bancroft, Ontario
4 to 6th of December : Big White Rally, Kelowna, Colombie-Britannique